Thursday, 22 May 2014

What do you want to do before this ends?

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

During our day to day lives, we take a lot of things for granted. Such as complaining about the slow internet or how your job is the worst thing to ever exist. But what some people tend to forget is the opportunity you and I have been given in life. To have clean water, shelter, a loving family, the ability to be educated and to be who we are in life is such an incredibly special thing to have while at least 80% of humanity is living on less than $10 a day.

There also comes a time in your life where you begin to reflect on the things you have managed to accomplish and all the people you have met along the way who have shaped you to be the person you are. But you also realise that you are still alive.
This leads to my bucket list. Bucket lists are a simple way to set out your goals and ambitions and to keep track on them during your lifetime. Usually many tend to forget about them or see it as a pointless thing due to not accomplishing any of the tasks. But what many fail to realise is that things change. We are not the same person we were 2 years ago nor a week ago and it's okay to change your bucket list in four years’ time, or even the next day.
Lately I’ve been thinking of a lot of things I would like to do and a lot of places I would like to see. So I decided to start my own bucket list and share my journey with you all as I accomplish them one by one.

1. Travel the world

2. Go to Disneyland

3. Learn a foreign language

4. Spend New Years at Times Square, New York

5. Buy my dream car

6. Go to a NBA game

7. Have an acting role in a television show or film

8. Attend a European football (soccer) match.

9. Walk a red carpet

10. Get a tattoo

So there are 10 things I've began scribbling down for my bucket list. I really hope I am able to do everything on my list and share it with you all.

Please make sure to comment, tweet or post me things off your bucket list. Maybe things you have been able to cross off your list or experiences you have had in your life or want to achieve.


  1. I love this idea! I may pinch it for my new blog too.

    We can be newbies together?

    Thanks for the follow on bloglovin'

    Caroline x

    1. Thank you for reading :)
      haha yes we should be newbies together <3
      Hope you enjoyed :) xoxox

  2. Wow thats amazing, keep up the good work.
    Thank you for the comment, means a lot :)


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